The water rate boundary condition in Seep/w refers to

Why is the free outflow when the boundary condition water rate=0 in the Seep/W. What does this water rate boundary condition mean?


  • VincentCastonguay
    When no boundary conditions are applied to the edge of a SEEP/W domain, a no flow (Q=0) boundary condition is implicitly applied by the solver. There will be no outflow through the edge of the domain, unless a boundary condition is purposely applied by the user.

    A potential drainage face boundary condition is a no flow (Q=0) boundary condition in which we activate the "seepage face review" toggle to allow the solver to choose whether flow should or should not be allowed through the location where the boundary condition was applied.

    Please review SEEP/W's reference book to learn more about the various types of boundary conditions: and Mass Transfer Modeling.pdf