Feature Request: Conditional Formatting for Lithology Legend Color Codes
Posts: 7
when working with loose rock it is sometimes only possible to determine specific summarized stratigraphic layers (usable for modeling) in the process of evaluating field/lab results or modeling. Loose Rock composition is basically most commonly described by abbreviations of contained grain sizes in proportion (see DIN EN ISO 14688-1 or deprecated DIN 4022/DIN 4023 still very common in Germany) for reference). Within Leapfrog when trying to display these along the boreholes there are 2 problems occuring:
1) Combination count can, especially when dealing with larger projects, easily reach the limitation of 3000 classes/codes (3000 seems to be a arbitrary number btw).
2) Number 1 leads to the issue, that color formatting such a number of combinations is very cumbersome. IMO a relatively simple relief (workaround) would be implementing some MS Excel-style (or more advanced with use of e.g. Regular Expressions Regex) "conditional formatting" to create rules returning the desired color for all rows.
(However, using only colors is not really sufficient to display a complex composition of loose rock intervals, which is why e.g. DIN 4023 introduces not only colors but also hatching. Putting a hatch texture on borehole intervals in the 3D-rendering would be very helpful visual in this context.)
Kind regards,