Leapfrog Geo 6.0 discussion

Hello Seequent Team and All,

Well done on changing the code successfully and rolling out the new Leapfrog Geo 6.

I have been using it for a few weeks now and there are some good improvement in processing speed and functionalities (e.g. deleting column in tables).

However there are a few frustrating things associated with the new version and would like to know if your team or other users have noted them as well :

-The interface in leapfrog 5 was good, what is the rationale for the change ?
-We can't zoom in and out anymore by using the scroll wheel, this is frustrating for many team members
-Items are not collapsed (all items for all folders visible by default when importing (e.g. In a Geological Model, New Lateral Extent from surface will show every single items instead of the folders only
-Some of the bugs noted in the Leapfrog 5 are unfortunately still in this version (e.g User_Duplicate appearing in "Interp Table" or volume not closed)




  • Good morning Muzz and Seequent,
    In response to your comments regarding zooming in/out with the scroll wheel, I do not see that behaviour. My scroll wheel works just fine zooming in and out. 
    With respect to to the items not being collapsed, I also do not see that behaviour.

    However, I am not a fan of the new flat interface. I find it difficult to navigate, call it a disability, but I have issue with the lack of contrast.
    I prefer dark themes for most of my interfaces and would like to be able to select a dark theme available for GEO.

  • v 5 would collapse all sub-folders when the parent was collapsed but that feature is not happening in 6.0.3
  • RachelMurtagh
    RachelMurtagh Posts: 41 admin
    Hi Muzz, Mike & Richard,

    Thanks for taking the time to reach out and share your thoughts on version 6. I'll make some comments here but will also pass on your comments to the design team for their consideration.

    As you already know, it was imperative for Seequent that we update the Leapfrog code base. As a consequence of this, we had to change the graphical user interface (GUI) tool kit we used from something called GTK to a thing called Qt. In basic terms, this tool kit is what is used to 'draw' the user interface of the Leapfrog products. Unfortunately, we couldn't just take what GTK allowed us to see LF version 5 and remake it using Qt. Some differences were inevitable. We took the opportunity to modernise the UI and align the LF product more closely with our online assets. We also addressed, and will continue to address, many inconsistencies that years of development naturally introduced.  

    With regard to the zoom functionality, this will be resolved in the next version, however you can fix this for yourself in the interim by opening your windows settings and making sure the "Scroll inactive windows when I hover over them" option is toggled on.

    With regard to the folder collapse behaviour, in the older versions of LF there were inconsistencies with what we could do in the different types of lists we had throughout the software. Some lists would allow the users to use hot keys but others wouldn't. On top of this lists actually had two different behaviours depending on what short key combination you used. We had to make a decision about what to do with these different behaviours. The options were to choose between them (and lose one behaviour entirely) or look at merging them. We opted to merge them as it was felt the two styles provided more flexibility and catered to two different workflows. This article explains the new functionality of the short cut keys which should cater for both the full and partial collapse the folders  https://support.seequent.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002185516-Leapfrog-List-UX . Please don't hesitate to comment further on this. We're not adverse to making further changes however, we would like to get a really good sense of what our users' needs are before doing so.

    Can I suggest you submit a bug report here: https://my.seequent.com/support/request or contact your local support person to follow up on the bugs you are finding in LF v. 6. While it's not uncommon for some bugs remain from the release to release, if these bugs are workflow blockers or other serious bugs we would like to get some more detail on these. 

    I will pass your comments on the contrast of the UI to our design team. In relation to the dark theme request, it's theoretically possible for us to offer LF in a dark theme now, however this would need some work on our side and it's not currently on the roadmap. Again, may I suggest you submit a feature request here: https://my.seequent.com/support/request

    Please see the paragraph above. 

    Hope this helps, 
  • Thank you Rachel.
    Much appreciated.

  • MurimBaudin
    MurimBaudin Posts: 2
    edited January 2021
    Thanks Rachel for the detailed explanations and the tips for the mouse scroll, I will pass it around my team. Great link as well through leapfrog List UX ! I might actually look a bit in details in this section.

    We are currently doing our UAT and collecting a list of bugs and we will feedback once completed.

    So far no real blockers and as I mentioned in the original post the processing speed is much better and that makes a big difference for us

  • Good morning Muzz and Seequent,
    In response to your comments regarding zooming in/out with the scroll wheel, I do not see that behaviour. My scroll wheel works just fine zooming in and out. 
    With respect to to the items not being collapsed, I also do not see that behaviour.

    However, I am not a fan of the new flat interface. I find it difficult to navigate, call it a disability, but I have issue with the lack of contrast.
    I prefer dark themes for most of my interfaces and would like to be able to select a dark theme available for GEO.

    I agree Michael
    Please a dark theme, navigate in the new interface is so tired after some time
  • ThomasDols
    ThomasDols Posts: 3
    edited February 2021
    I really like the shared licenses, but I would like to have a setting where I can toggle whether closing Leapfrog also signs me out, releasing the seat. Is this possible? Perhaps the ability to toggle a "do you wish to also sign out" pop-up whenever I close Leapfrog, in the settings, would do just as well. 
  • DavidWatkins
    DavidWatkins Posts: 48 mod

    Download and try the latest Leapfrog update which was just released, as it should solve your release seat on exit request.

  • Thanks Rachel
    I was also getting frustrated with the collapse function changing, I am very fond of multiple subfolders. The short cut keys work nicely.


  • Hi All,

    Murim and Michael, I completely agree that the new look is very flat and lacking contrast. I have been using this solidly since the v6 release but I still find it way less visually intuitive, even though the positions of icons haven't changed. I find myself hunting for icons and also miss-clicking icons more easily. If I have plenty of items in my Shape List I struggle to differentiate - I mentioned this in my post about Additions to LF Geo.

    There is one bug I do come across too. When interval selecting and using control+right click to deselect intervals, if I have just changed the item in the Shape List drop down, that control function doesn't work unless you re-click in the scene which didn't happen before. You could just hold control and select and it would deselect that interval.

    The speed of the new version is great, and there is some upside to modernising the look. It looks clean, and I find longer LF sessions have less eye fatigue for me. It just needs some subtle tweaks.

    Cheers, James.