Additions to LF Geo

Hi There,

Having used Geo for about 2 years now, I feel that the following changes would really help this package become more complete and negate the need to supplement it with other software.

1. A more comprehensive drill hole planning module
- Planning for Surface, Underground and Open Pit kept separate (things like snapping to DTM aren't ideal for UG/Pits, creating a single point to run a fan of UG holes from etc.).
- More granular control for hole planning/deviation.
   - Example would be a 1200m hole with an RC precollar with a certain deviation, then HQ and NQ diamond drilling from that with perhaps a section of navi drilling within. Currently, you have one set amount of deviation. This makes the current module unusable for anything other than basic functions in my opinion.
- Downhole depths displayed for planned drilling (cannot do cross sections without this).
- EOH depth displayed.

2. The display of text throughout the Scene
- Individual text sizes for all items (downhole depths a small font, collars a large font).
- Different fonts, bold/italic, colours of text.
- Position and angles of text (having a DTM cut through all the collar text isn't ideal, angling the text to 45 degrees above the collar and shifted above would be really useful).

3. Drillhole tracking
- This is currently almost impossible to do quickly in LF Geo. 
- As part of the more granular planned drilling module, the following could be done:
   - Have 2 extra columns for inputting the current drill hole survey.
   - This could draw a second hole trace from the collar, next to the planned hole that would show the distance between the plan and actual in an efficient manner.

4. Measure tool functionality
- Either have it clip to surface or don't. That way you can just measure distances on your screen without it having to attach itself to on screen objects. This almost always means you can't measure things.
- Continuous measuring (like Google Maps for example).

5. Multiple drillhole database functions
- Allowing multiple discrete databases to be run simultaneously would be massively advantageous. 
   - Splits out prospects close together within one district.
   - Run multiple areas of structural data without having to create extra filters.
   - Allows you to stay within one project, view other areas and run separate models on different prospects and not have to continually go back and forth from a project to another to either export data/shapes, or check on information that could be visible in the current project.
- The other option would be to allow multiple instances of LF Geo to be opened at once on capable machines (split the core count/RAM evenly - slowing performance but improving certain workflows greatly).

6. A co-ordinate conversion tool
- Function to convert shapes, models, collars etc. from one grid to another within LF.

7. Shape list organisation
- Allow you to group items into folders within the shape list. 
   - Example would be downhole image meshes - most projects we run can have 200+ meshes that you have to keep scrolling past to get to different items in the shape list.
   - Having a small list with nested folders/drop downs much like the Project Tree would be the perfect comparison. Perhaps just the merging of the two into a wide list of items that has the functionality of the shape list added to the right of the project tree list?
- Better iconology; the updated v.6 icons are all very flat and monotone. The same for the row separation in the shape list. A more visually distinct design could seriously improve workflow speed and negating the need to "hunt" for certain items for often quite a while (an example would be the planned drillhole icon vs the points icon - they are very similar in shape, colour and contrast).

8. Multiple labels for an item
- An example would be for collars. Having the Hole ID, whether the hole is drilled (Y/N) and rehabilitated (Y/N) displayed next to it would be really beneficial. Or Max Au as a number. 

9. A plotting tool
- A simple plot tool that allows you to take your scene, place it into a frame with the ability to add in legends, scales, grids etc. and quickly export that to an image. Similar to the render tool but with some added features.



  • RachelMurtagh
    RachelMurtagh Posts: 40 admin
    Hi James, 

    Thanks for your post. I will submit these requests to our system on your behalf. Just to let you know, number 5 is being actively developed, and parts of number 1 are actively being developed. We hope to deliver these in the first half of 2021 (all going according to plan). 

    Can you elaborate on number 6 a bit more for me? I don't quite understand what the problem. 

  • Hi Rachel,

    Thanks for the prompt reply, I realise that was quite the ramble!

    Number 6 - so a good example would be converting local grid files over to MGA grid. Most mines will run a local grid system, but when it comes to planning near mines for surface drilling it is much easier to have any models and drillholes from mining in the MGA grid. Then we can use our normal field GPS systems to execute our field programmes. 

    If you could do a 2 common point conversion for plane grids from one co-ordinate system to another that would be a really useful feature. 

    Glad to hear some of it is in the works. 

  • Upvote for Number 2 - the text display options are awful. If you have a drillout, not being able to vary the text angle means your collar text almost always overlaps. Not being able to label at specified downhole intervals also not great for visual XS.
  • Dear all,
    In addition to James Porter's list, I would like to add a few items:
    - be able to select points by his polygons, which could be pretty useful to create guide points without going back to some GIS software,
    - expand mesh operations with minimum and maximum of several elevation meshes without going back to GIS software for this also,
    - do not stop mesh operations when meshes boundaries do not exactly fit. Return no mesh in the corresponding parts instead,
    - another request I already asked before: the ability to georeference a raster sectionalong a curved path. I know I can build a vertical mesh following the layout of the section and project the picture onto it but this gives strong deformation of the picture if the path is too curvy. The solution may be a a projection of the georeferenced picture orthogonally to the meshfor all pixel columns of the picture...
    Thanks for considering these.
  • Hi guys, any update on number 6 issue- coordinate conversion issue?
  • JustinGlanvill
    JustinGlanvill Posts: 1
    edited July 2022
    I'd like to add that linking the evaluated structural points to the parent polyline set would also be useful. Update the polyline and the structural points update too with the changes then cascading down to the structural model and the end model.

    It would also be exceedingly useful to be able to bulk select and edit values in all tables. Or use a calculation to do so