Python GX: get_user_input with output of project_grids

Posts: 27

I have a get_user_input dialog that prompts the user to pick an existing grid from the project:
# ask the user to select a grid grid_file = gxproj.get_user_input(title='Specify existing TMI grid', prompt='TMI grid:', kind='list', items=project.project_grids, default=default_grid)The list usually works fine, but when I run it in a project with a lot of grids (maybe 100?) it displays the first 15 grids, and then only a few characters of the 16th grid path, and no more. Is there a limit to how many items can be included in the pick-list or how many characters?
This is likely a bug and will need to be looked into. I made an active issue on Github for it: -
Can confirm with
ret = gxpj.get_user_input('Testing a list', 'List', kind='list', default='WGS 84 / UTM zone 32N', items=gco.name_list(gco.LIST_COORDINATESYSTEM,datum_filter='WGS 84') )
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