Values in MicroGravity

Posts: 14

in Oasis montaj
I realized that values in MicroGravity are between +1/2 and - 1/2. I guess these values are obtained after removing the mean value from Complete Bouguer values, am I right? for example, if the Complete Bouguer as 15-20 mGal with mean of 17.0, when removing 17 from all data, we get the MicroGravity values.
Hello EssamAboud,
I am not sure I understand your question. Is it possible you are asking about Microlevelling as opposed to Microgravity? If not, could you please elaborate.
If you are asking about Microlevelling, I have included a link below on the workflow for Microlevelling gravity data. Gravity Data TechNote.pdf
PhilipProduct Manager0
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