Derivative Geosoft 9.3

Good morning,
I have a problem deriving in the Z direction in Geosoft 9.3, because It change comparing with other versions. Can you help me?


  • BeckyBodger
    BeckyBodger Posts: 337 mod
    Hi @geosoftdehispa the steps for calculating the Z Derivative in MAGMAP in 9.3 are as follows:

    1. From the MAGMAP menu click MAGMAP 1-Step Filtering.
    2. Select your input grid, enter a name for your output grid, enter a name for a new control file.
    3. Click Filter.
    4. Select Derivative from the drop down menu.
    5. For Direction select Z and enter an order of differentiation.
    6. Click OK.
    Community Manager

  • Thank you for your assistance.
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