Grid stitching

Please help stitch two grids not overlapping. I tried Gridknit within Geosoft's but failed. Apparently it can only work if the two grids overlap


  • BeckyBodger
    BeckyBodger Posts: 337 mod
    Hi @CalistusRamotoroko have you tried Grid Mosaic? This should work when your grids have no overlap.
    1. From the Grid and Image menu click Utilities and select Grid mosaic from grid files.
    2. Click the browse button and select your two grids at the same time.
    3. Enter a new name for the combined grid and click ok.
    Community Manager

  • Hi @BeckyBodger. Thank you very much. Grid Mosaic actually worked for me and also went through a few articles and discovered Boolean operations under utilities within Geosoft works.
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