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Re: Is it possible to model capillary fringe with Seep/W?
Yes, the SEEP/W formulation allows for comprehensive understanding of both saturated and unsaturated pore water pressure conditions. The saturated/unsaturated material model defines material properties (volumetric water content and hydraulic conductivity) over both positive and negative pore water pressures. Thus, when a SEEP/W analysis is solved, the pore water pressures (negative and positive) and the corresponding material properties are known throughout the domain. This includes the volumetric water content and saturation so the depth of the capillary fringe can be determined.
SEEP/W also includes a potential seepage face boundary condition that when applied, computes which nodes have seepage and which don't.
Re: Leapfrog Geo Interval Selection Bug
Hi Christian, thanks for flagging this bug through. Are you able to pass this on as a support ticket by emailing with what you've outlined above? We're interested to see what's causing this bug and if we can fix this in the new release. Looking forward to you email.
Re: How to use surface lithology (outcrops) to constrain surfaces
Hi Ivano,
What you are trying to do is mostly covered in one of our online training courses. The course, "Building a model from a map" is located here:
There is also a course to help with working with polylines here:
If these two courses do not help and you have more, specific questions, then it is best to ask Seequent support at This is our online help system and your question(s) will be directed to the person who is best to help you and most likely in your region as well.
Regards, John Tyrrell
Re: Creating GM with both surficial lithologic map and borehole lithology
Hi Jackson,
The things I would look like trying here are:
- As you've probably seen in the 'Model From A Map' you can create the surface from the drilling then 'Add —> GIS Data' to the surface as an additional data, you've likely tried this, but I just wanted to confirm that's the route you've gone down.
- Utilising GIS lines rather than polylines, if you have a topo surface GIS lines can be drawn without worrying too much about elevation, then draped onto the topography surface. Polylines can travel above and below the topo easily and often you find if the polyline is slightly above the topo, it's technically outside the model boundary and won't be honoured.
- As an extension of the previous point you could look into turning off the 'Boundary Filter', the default will only let the surfaces see within the boundary box, this does let the GM run more efficiently by not looking for everything, but this might be limiting those polylines being 'seen'
- Also have a look into the snapping rules for the GM, if the snapping is honouring the drilling only this could explain why it's not matching your lines, you can change the snapping to 'All Data' or 'Custom' and tick the surface lines.
If none of these seem to do the job please shoot us an email at, for us to have a more in depth look with you.
Re: Structural beams and bars in non-linear analysis of QUAKE/W
Hi Sureka, thanks for reaching out. Unfortunately, it is indeed a limitation of the formulation of the non-linear constitutive model. The model is not a conventional elastic-plastic constitutive models like PM4Sand/Silt. The implementation required special numerical procedures that made it challenging to accommodate structural elements. The Equivalent Linear model would have to be used.
Certainly! Successfully completing the LeapfrogEdge fundamentals training session is a substantial achievement for me. Despite the different outcome between training and final results, this difference often highlights the multifaceted nature of applying theoretical knowledge in practical settings.
Engaging in training of this session serves not only to expand one’s skill set but also to cultivate critical thinking and problem-solving capabilities.
Re: Why am I seeing positive head above the water table in my seepage Model (SEEP/W)?
Hi Matt, thanks for reaching out. That is strange behavior indeed. Can you send an email to with a screenshot of your license management window and the model attached so I can review it in greater detail?
Re: Two Identical Slope/W Models Returning Different Factors of Safety
Hey Trevor, I see the different equipotential lines in each of my two models — makes sense. Thanks for the response and detailed explanation!
Re: Two Identical Slope/W Models Returning Different Factors of Safety
Hi Ryan, thanks for reaching out. The discrepancy comes from the fact that Model 1 gets its water conditions from SEEP/W and Model 2 gets its water conditions from a piezometric line. SLOPE/W tends to overestimate the pore-water pressure when the phreatic surface is defined with a piezometric line that is downward sloping (to represent downward flow), which is usually the case in an embankment. This is because it uses the vertical distance from the base of a slice to the phreatic surface to calculate the pore-water pressure.
When SLOPE/W uses the water conditions calculated with SEEP/W, the pore-water pressure values at the base of the slices are more accurate. In the case of a downward sloping phreatic surface, the pore-water pressure used in SLOPE/W will be lower due to the equipotential lines being angled. I've set up an example where you can see that even on the upstream slope of the dam, the equipotential lines are different. The first picture is with the drawn piezometric surface and the second picture is with the SEEP/W pore-water pressure conditions.
Re: How to make contour map of coal seams floor SF, roof SR if a coal seam is model using vain system?
I would probably suggest modelling the two main coal seams first as veins or a vein system (depending on whether they interact). Once you have modelled those, activate them to turn them into output volumes, and then you can then build a refined model. This will allow you to model the clay lenses within the coal seams. You may need multiple small veins to model each of the lens sufficiently. This should be paired with an interval selection.
Refined Model -