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Re: Two Identical Slope/W Models Returning Different Factors of Safety
Hey Trevor, I see the different equipotential lines in each of my two models — makes sense. Thanks for the response and detailed explanation!
Re: Two Identical Slope/W Models Returning Different Factors of Safety
Hi Ryan, thanks for reaching out. The discrepancy comes from the fact that Model 1 gets its water conditions from SEEP/W and Model 2 gets its water conditions from a piezometric line. SLOPE/W tends to overestimate the pore-water pressure when the phreatic surface is defined with a piezometric line that is downward sloping (to represent downward flow), which is usually the case in an embankment. This is because it uses the vertical distance from the base of a slice to the phreatic surface to calculate the pore-water pressure.
When SLOPE/W uses the water conditions calculated with SEEP/W, the pore-water pressure values at the base of the slices are more accurate. In the case of a downward sloping phreatic surface, the pore-water pressure used in SLOPE/W will be lower due to the equipotential lines being angled. I've set up an example where you can see that even on the upstream slope of the dam, the equipotential lines are different. The first picture is with the drawn piezometric surface and the second picture is with the SEEP/W pore-water pressure conditions.
Re: How to make contour map of coal seams floor SF, roof SR if a coal seam is model using vain system?
I would probably suggest modelling the two main coal seams first as veins or a vein system (depending on whether they interact). Once you have modelled those, activate them to turn them into output volumes, and then you can then build a refined model. This will allow you to model the clay lenses within the coal seams. You may need multiple small veins to model each of the lens sufficiently. This should be paired with an interval selection.
Refined Model -
Re: How do i get LF to interpolate better between borehole points
For Numeric Models and Intrusion, you can set a trend, and interpolatation settings to adjust the direction and range at which continuity is looked for.
Under interpolation setting, I would recommend increasing the Base Range. This should be 2-3 times the average drill space. You will also want to ensure the trend, and ellipsoid ranges are set to align with the direction of continuity, so its looking in the correct direction for similar data points.
I would recommend reading through the help menu information here:
If you have a very thin deposit, and the distance between drillholes is wide, you may need to add more polylines to force the continuity if editing the settings doesn't work. Alternative options, are to try a vein model, which works for for thin, continuous units.
Re: Oasis Montaj
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Re: Convert AGD84 to GDA94 easting/northing
I think it is impossible to convert from the AGD84 to GDA94 coordinate system with Leapfrog.
You can convert them with QGIS or Global Mapper or MapInfo, or ArcGIS….
Re: How to make contour map of coal seams floor SF, roof SR if a coal seam is model using vain system?
You can export the roof and floor mesh and extract their contour in Global Mapper. Ian
Re: Direction of seismic loads and the need for seepage analysis prior to stability analysis
Hello Ashish,
A positive k_v results in a downward force, which increases the weight of each column. This can have a counter-intuitive effect. In terms of moment equilibrium, some columns have greater driving moment while others have greater resisting moments. All columns, however, have an increased base normal stress, which will increase the strength (if the material models are effective stress type) and therefore the FoS increases. A negative k_v will have a similar counter-balancing effect on rotations, but will decrease the normal stress, the corresponding strengths, and therefore the FoS.
Re: Issues with Topo
The data will import and display depending on the type and format of the data imported.
If you wish to display as a surface, then import the topography as a .msh file through the meshes folder.
if you are new to Leapfrog, Id recommend completed one of our fundamentals courses on thee Seequent learning Centre -