SEEP - Comparing groundwater scenarios, with/without excavated shaft
Hi I have created two steady-state 2d groundwater models without and with an excavation and a drainage layer. I would like to compare these and get the difference in water levels/pressure. I cant really seem to find any way to do this so I would really like to hear from the expertise here. Best regards
How to control the initial saturation degree in transient analysis
Hello. I'm conducting a transient analysis to simulate the infiltration of runoff into a sump, but I'm encountering convergence issues. Despite trying all the suggestions from here, here and here , I continue to see red crosses in few steps (day 45-48). Upon reviewing my model, I noticed that the transition in saturation…
Modeling an infiltration trench in SEEP/W
Hi! I'm working with SEEP/W with a student licence, trying to model an infiltration trench used as BMP to reduce stormwater runoff, but I have some doubts: I'm not sure about the correct BC for my problem, in particoular if I should use the "potential seepage face review" along the sides of the trench or not; I don't…
Thousand Simulations slope/w and seep/w
Hi, I have a levee model that uses slope/w and seep/w for transient analysis. I aim to employ this model in studying the response to 1000 different hydrographs (representing various hydraulic load conditions). While I have researched for information on this, my current understanding is the use of PEST for parameter…
SEEP/W - converting radial flow/discharge to an equivalent plane flow/discharge
Hello, I would like to model an abstraction and injection well using the SEEP 2D cross-section model. The wells in real life pump at 20m3/hr. However, when I specify a total water rate of 20 m3/hr in the model, I get a lot more drawdown and mounding compared to what I observe or model using a simple analytical equation. I…
Vertical exaggeration in Seep/W
Hello everyone, I am working on a model that is roughly 10km wide but only covers 200m in height. After constructing the mesh, I vertically exaggerated the model by factor 15 before running it, to make adjustments and visualisation easier. Now the questions came up, if the vertical exaggeration is purely optical in nature…
Far Field Boundary Conditions in SEEP/W
I am performing a seepage analysis of an embankment dam and have a question about the downstream boundary condition. I am using a potential seepage face boundary condition since tailwater is unknown. Is it appropriate to extend the potential seepage face down the right side of the model as a far field boundary condition or…
What means the transparent circles and red crosses in Seep/W model result?
I'm running a seepage model and I'm getting some circles and crosses in the result, I think the red crosses mean issues with convergence, but what means the transparent circles? are the crosses really convergence problems?
The water rate boundary condition in Seep/w refers to
Why is the free outflow when the boundary condition water rate=0 in the Seep/W. What does this water rate boundary condition mean?
SEEP/W Modelling an embankment Dam
I need some help. I need to add a toe drain in an embankment dam as a region. I keep getting the error overlaping with edges. Can anyone guide me to what I am doing wrong and how I should go about it.
Axisymmetric SEEP/W model on a reclaimed island
Greetings of the day, There is a island created by reclaiming the fill materials on the river bed. The location is slightly upstream of a large dam. The island is located at the bank of the river, circular in shape and there is no portion in common to the bank of river. The island is created by gabions and soil…
Definition of initial moisture content
hey! I got a question for modeling transient analysis when using Seep/W and Sigma/W. I'm trying to model an embankment with a certain initial moisture content. Is there any way to define initial moisture content rather than defining only saturation state of the soil? Since I try to analyze dissipation of water through the…
How to induce the permeability random fields into Geostudio SEEP/W
Many people have already induced the random fields into Geostudio. This is the method:1)Build a computational model. SEEP/W module in geotechnical analysis software GEOSTUDIO was used to establish the finite element model. This part includes the steps: build the model, mesh the structure, define the material properties,…
Design of drains
When performing a steady or transient state analysis, what is the type of boundary condition that should be assigned to a chimney drain and why?
SEEP/W What boundary condition should be used during a steady state seepage model of a dam.
Hi I am a practicing Dams and Tailings engineer from Australia, routinely I measure seepage flows out of a dam however there is confusion within my industry about what boundary condition should be applied to the downstream area. In reality most flow does not rise to the surface and travels in the foundation downstream.…
How to induce permeability random fields into Geostudio?
Many people have already induced the random fields into Geostudio. This is the method:1)Build a computational model. SEEP/W module in geotechnical analysis software GEOSTUDIO was used to establish the finite element model. This part includes the steps: build the model, mesh the structure, define the material properties,…