Issue with Free Air anomaly correction
Currently working through the Gravity and terrain correction walk through using the sample data given and when I read in the FreeAir correction the data is not populating with anything. Any advice?
the calculated gravity and gravity error curves are missing
Hi all, I was working on a forward model via GM-SYS and suddenly the curves for the calculated gravity and gravity error disappeared, although in the display they are selected. Does anyone know what is the problem with this? how can I fix it? So far, I tried the following approaches, none of them worked: 1- save the model…
Uncertainty Gravity Data
Hi everyone. I would like to ask if anybody can help me with quantifying uncertainity on gravity data I downloaded from the Bureau Gravimetrique International BGI. I know gravity data are affected by a series of uncertainty coming from aquisition (geographic posizion, elevation, drift correction) and processing…
Documentation for the Geosoft gravity isostatic regional calculation method in marine areas
I am looking for documentation for the Geosoft gravity Isostatic Residual tool and for assistance with some questions that I have about the way that the calculations are performed. The only documentation that I can find is an online eLearning tutorial and a short description on the product webpage.…
Gravity and Terrain Corrections_Drift Correction
Since upgrading to v 9.5 I have issues with the Drift Correction. I can not perform a drift correction manually with a click of the button like I could in previous versions. In the Gravity workflow, one has to create or append the location data base BEFORE importing the gravity data. Provided all the correct locations are…
Density values in voxi unusual
Dear Voxi user I am new user in Voxi earth modeling and have some questions about it. I have gravity data for inversion. I only have topo data to be used for sensor elevation as well as DEM grid, am I right? Normal unconstraint inversion give me voxel file (V1) with data values as -46 to 23.7. Is that normal density or…
Terrain Corrections - units?
Hello, Do we know definitively the units for the Local Correction Distance field? km or m? My gravity station's X,Y and the DEM are in UTM, so meters there. Thanks
Values in MicroGravity
I realized that values in MicroGravity are between +1/2 and - 1/2. I guess these values are obtained after removing the mean value from Complete Bouguer values, am I right? for example, if the Complete Bouguer as 15-20 mGal with mean of 17.0, when removing 17 from all data, we get the MicroGravity values.
Webinar: Case study of 3D potential-field modelling to help evaluate a geothermal prospect
Case study of 3D potential-field modelling to help evaluate a geothermal prospect A challenging, data-rich, GM-SYS 3D modelling study WEBINAR | Thursday, January 25, 2018 |11am - 12pm EST/Toronto (GMT/UTC - 05:00) Click here to learn more and to register Register to attend online and/or to receive the recording. Gerry…
Inversion constraints
When using constraints grid in gravity structural inversion, I have basement depth grid from Euler deconvolution and would like to use it as constraints grid, I could not find a way to create such constrain grid. You may have explanation for that issue. regards Essam
Drift correction of gravity readings: What corrections are applied?
During drift correction of gravity readings, what corrections are directly applied? I assume drift, but is tidal and instrument height correction also applied? Or do I need to do that manually? Thanks
VOXI inversion of Density model of bouguer gravity seems not to be reality.
Hi I'm confusing about density Voxel model which inverted from VOXI Inversion. The inverted density voxel model of my bouguer gravity data (removed linear trend already) consisted of 2 layers (basin and basement) doesn't seem to be geological idea. This inverted density model show low density contrast at the deepest depth…
The G-GG method: Improving inversion of Gravity Gradiometer Data
G-GG (gravity referenced gravity gradiometer) is a method of combining regional gravity with gravity gradiometer data to model discreet targets within a regional setting. While gravity gradiometer surveys yield smaller spatial wavelength anomalies and gravimeter surveys yield longer spatial wavelength anomalies, G-GG…
How to use moving platfrom gravity for MGS-6 ? How to add moving platfrom garvity tool for Aosis ?
Hi, My name Quy. I come from MGMC company, Viet Nam. I using Marine Gravity System (MGS-6). So I want to add moving platfrom gravity workflow for Aosis montaj. Please! You can provide manual user of moving platfrom gravity . Thanks.