
BraamduPlooy Posts: 2
edited May 2023 in Oasis montaj
gx developer used to have a gx called QCSurveyPlan_DU.
apparently it is not avaiable in compiler vrsion 9.1.
What is the equivalent in version 9.1 ?


  • BeckyBodger
    BeckyBodger Posts: 337 mod
    Hi @BraamduPlooy in the latest version (9.3.2) the "GX" for creating a flight plan is:


    At least that's what gets called when you record a script. I've moved this question into the GX Developer forum to see if any developers have any additional comments.
    Community Manager

  • Hi Braam,

    That GX API method is still in the latest release (9.3.1) and should therfor be available in 9.1 too. I assume you are running into a GXC compiler issue?

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