Using python with Geosoft, and Geosoft grids
Hello, I have a few questions regarding python and geosoft grids and any advice would be most appreciated! I am trying to create PDF files with geosoft grid images using python. I am using Oasis Montage 8.5 so I believe I do not have access to the python modules I saw on github. The only way I know is to place the grid…
Get and change map object colormap to custom one through GX
Hi. Since changing colormaps(for example for comparative profiles) is a chore in Geosoft, I am scripting a GX to do it. Changing one colormap that is not in the standard folder and a zone file is about... 15 clicks? More? Anyway. Pretty much first GX. I got a list of my maps and I filtered it for the ones I need def…
Python function to window a grid using a polygon file
is there any function from the python development kit for window a grid using polygon file?
I am getting this error with GXSURFACEITEM.add_mesh. It does not fit with the documentation. C:\Users\Marc\Anaconda3\python.exe C:/Users/Marc/Documents/TetraGeophysics/Logiciels/aeminv/aeminv/aeminv.py Exception in Tkinter callback Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\Marc\Anaconda3\lib\tkinter\__init__.py",…
Bug in gxpy.gdb
I noticed that geosoft.gxpy.gdb.read_line() does not work properly on 9.3. It makes the application crash. I had to revert to 9.2 and everything works properly. I am using Python 3.5.2.
User input in python scripts
What are the options for user input in a python script within Oasis? For example if I want the user to select a file from an open file dialog. I have an exising py script that uses Tkinter to call an openfile dialog to allow the user to select the required file. The file is read in, parsed and a new file is created. I am…
Python extension module
I have noticed that if I run an extension requesting a non geosoft module, the module must be in the python executable directory. If it is located in the user/python directory, it is not located by OM. Is there an alternative?
GXError: Attempting to load too many resources.
Hi, I’m trying to load 2048 channels of radiometric spectra data (2 arrays x 1024 channels each) into a dataframe through a Jupyter notebook. I can load a database which has 1024 channels of either downward or upward looking spectra no problem, but if I try to load a database which contains both I get the error “GXError:…
python, numpy 1.14 and 1.14.1
Python scripts may emit a warning like "RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in reduce" from numpy _methods.py. This seems to be a non-destructive bug in numpy 1.14. If you are getting the message and you don't want to you can install numpy 1.13: pip install numpy==1.13 See https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/10370…
gxapi syntax: GXVV.add, subtract, multiply, divide
What is usage syntax for these methods? Documentation for add shows (others are similar): add(vv_y, vv_z): Add two VVs: VV_A + VV_B = VV_C Parameters: vv_y (GXVV) – GXVV B vv_z (GXVV) – GXVV C (returned), C = A + B So where does A go?
gxapi syntax to apply method to channel
What is the syntax to apply a 9.3 gxapi method to a channel? Specifically, I have read a line of data from a given channel with with gxdb.Geosoft_gdb.open() as gdb: ....for line in gdb.list_lines(): ........chandata, ch, fid = gdb.read_line(line, channels=chan) and I want to use the gxapi.GXFFT.band_pass(llen, hlen,…
GRC and Python
Do we need GRC files if we design with Python? What is a solution for an elaborate menu? Is there a good example in Python?
Hi guys Any one know of a way i can run the database defragment from either a script of a GX. I am in the process of making a archive GX and would like to defragment the gdb as the last step in order to save disk space. cheers
About the item show profile?
Hello, I want to create my onw menu,and I want add the item show profile into my menu,but I don't know which gx is about the item...also I can't find it from the Oasis help... So where can I get the gx? or get the menu Item? thx. Best regards.
C++ interface improvements
Hi all, I decided to convert my applications that were using my own C++ wrapper around the C interface to the official GX C++ interface. I figured that it would be fairly simple since both implementation had the same concepts with smart pointers. It was a bit tedious to do but in the end it was worth it since the official…
VV/VA Memory
Hi Guys I am not sure if it is something i am going incorrect but i have a .net GX that loads a large Array Channel into a VA, i then get the FULLVV and work on that. My issue is that every time i call the hDB.GetChanVA function ie. for each line, the memory usage continues to go up. i have tried creating new VA for each…
XTool Reacting to GDB
Hi Guys I have a case where i would like to make a Xtool type application. but was wondering if there is a way to get it to react to the user changing fid(rows) in the GDB. If not does any one have any ideas on how i could make a gx that could stay permanently open in geosoft , in order to display data in a custom format…
Error getting Gx context
I am still working through some basics so apologies for the basic question. I have been able to open and read GDB files no problem but have become stuck opening and reading grids. Typing the following lines into python I get the message below: import geosoft.gxpy.grd as grd ctx = geosoft.gxpy.grd.GXgrd() File…
External Tool dialog is blank
Hi, In Montaj, when I start a gx, the External Tool dialog pops up but it is blank. In version 8.x the dialog was displayed properly. It seems to have broken in version 9.1. I upgraded to 9.1.1 but it didn't fix the issue. I can execute the gx without problem but it's annoying to have this window pop up every time. Thanks
Writing a GX/python script to edit base layers within multiple maps
Hi there, I want to create either a GX or a python script that will load in a bunch of .map files and then edit a specific base layer. More specifically, if I have several maps with the same base layer, where that layer is just a text box with a string in it - I want to edit that text box without having to open each map…
Licence for Create_CPG
Hi, I've been testing my gxNet code for users who do not have an Oasis licence and encountered a problem with the call to create a pager. The relevant line in the code looks like this: CPG PGSpec = CPG.Create(iNy, iNx, GS_TYPESConstant.GS_FLOAT); The (hopefully correctly transcribed) error message generated is: Unable to…
Read/write Meta information in a gdb using gxnet
Hi, I'm having difficulty in creating and writing information in the Metadata for a gdb. I followed the process used in the FileToandFromGDB.cs, but it doesn't work for me. The relevant (elided) code section is this: hMETA = CMETA.Create(); hDB.GetMETA(hMETA); var mcData = hMETA.ResolveUMN("CLASS:/Geosoft/Data"); var…
question about the GeosoftTemplates.vsi install.
My environment: visual studio 2015+gx developer9.1 my question:when I install the GeosoftTemplates.vsi,I got a problem like this: Installation stopped because the directory for template installation did not exist. Please run Visual Studio on this computer to create the template directories. and my directory for template is…
User Menus in OM V9
Where do we now put the .omn file for a user menu in Oasis Montaj 9? The help file simply says "in the Geosoft user\omn folder", however this does not work. Neither does placing it in "Geosoft\Oasis Montaj\user\omn". I have tried several locations with no success (the user folders never appear in the "Manage Menus" window).
Creating a new database
Hi again, I am trying to create a new database and fill it in a C# dll. Essentially I am reading in some data from one database (thanks for the help from my last post by the way, it was very useful!), doing some processing on it, and now I am attempting to write it out to a new database. I have created the new database,…