Multidialog menu
Hi all, Does anybody know how to create a multidialog menu using Python GX developer? Can't find anything about it in the API Reference. By multidialog menu I mean something like this (see image 1) instead of that (see image 2). Any clues, references or words of encouragement are much appreciated.
Thousand Simulations slope/w and seep/w
Hi, I have a levee model that uses slope/w and seep/w for transient analysis. I aim to employ this model in studying the response to 1000 different hydrographs (representing various hydraulic load conditions). While I have researched for information on this, my current understanding is the use of PEST for parameter…
Python initialization failed
Hi all, Trying to run Python scripts within OM, I constantly get the following error: It's strange since I can successfully verify Python and use geosoft Python library in any IDE outside OM. Regards, Artem
Is there a Python API for leapfrog?
I was looking for a way to complete repetitive tasks in leapfrog such as cutting slices > making cross sections > saving scenes, or automating loading files into leapfrog. Is there an API or something that’s already available for batch processing?