GX for marine magnetci survey
I am looking for GX for marine magnetic survey, proccessing and analysis as well as interpretation.
How to grid a .gdb channel in python.
I can write a python script to create a geosoft grid using the surfer API however can some generous person point to or give an example how to grid from a python script using the geosoft gxapi or gxpy? I don't understand why this basic step is not in the tutorial.
This GX can only be run from a script
Hi all, I am trying to run a script, but I received an message error "This GX can only be run from a script" how can I fix this a get my outputs.
trouble creating new menu items?
Hello! I am currently working with Geosoft oasis montaj 9.8 and Python 3.7.3 extension. I am a student beginner in programming, and I am hoping to automate some gridding steps for a project, but first I’d like to add/customize a few menu items. Many of the manuals I’ve looked at mention a "GX menu"/"Load Menu" dropdown…
a gx that can create a polygon around an airborne survey flight path
Has anyone written or used a gx that can create a polygon around an airborne survey flight path and do this in batch mode either directly from an open database or map?
Get and change map object colormap to custom one through GX
Hi. Since changing colormaps(for example for comparative profiles) is a chore in Geosoft, I am scripting a GX to do it. Changing one colormap that is not in the standard folder and a zone file is about... 15 clicks? More? Anyway. Pretty much first GX. I got a list of my maps and I filtered it for the ones I need def…
Geosoft releases Geosoft GX Developer 9.2, for Python, C#, F# and Visual Basic
Geosoft GX Developer supports the development and integration of geoscience software that works with Geosoft file formats and the Geosoft desktop environments. The development environment includes support for 64-bit Python (3.4, 3.5 and 3.6), CLI languages (C#, F# and VB) and Geosoft's GXC language. The release of GX…
About the GX to call C code in a DLL
Hello, I want to use a GX to call the C code DLL of my proprietary filter,. I know that to use the GX call C funtion in DLL is GX--call GX wrapper--call my DLL. And I design the GX just like the lowpass GX, but I don't know how to transmit the INT or DOUBLE argument from the GX to the GX wrapper? For example,in the lowpass…
About the item show profile?
Hello, I want to create my onw menu,and I want add the item show profile into my menu,but I don't know which gx is about the item...also I can't find it from the Oasis help... So where can I get the gx? or get the menu Item? thx. Best regards.
Calling Python script from within GX
Hello, Does anyone know how I can calls a Python script to from within a Geosoft GX? Or if it is possible? I have specific tools and functions I want to use from Python. There is not much information in the documentation regarding development using Python. Thanks
What to do to compile .net programs under GX developer 8.5.1
Hi Geosoft, It appears using GeoEngine, Geosoft.Desktop and Geosoft.DotNetTools.GXNETWindowsForm are no longer available in GX developer 8.5.1, right? What should I do to compile .net programs which worked under GX developer 8.4.1? Karl Kwan Geotech