Evo Developers

Welcome to the Evo Developer Group—a dedicated space for developers, engineers, and technical users working with Seequent Evo 🚀

Evo is a powerful geoscience data and compute platform that enables seamless workflow integration, collaboration, and data processing across Seequent and third-party tools. With open APIs, it helps drive innovation, streamline processes, and unlock deeper geoscience insights.

In this group, you can:
🔹 Connect with fellow developers and Seequent experts
🔹 Collaborate on workflows and integrations
🔹 Share insights, best practices, and technical knowledge
🔹 Stay informed about API updates, new features, and resources

💡 Get involved! Introduce yourself, ask questions, and share your experiences—let’s shape the future of geoscience technology together!

Owner: PrachiChitkaraLeaders: PrachiChitkara, LexMacDonald, RobbieAverill, BrendanSmithyman, SalvadoreJaniCreated on February 24, 20256 membersPrivacy: Public


Important stuff will go here one day.


Awfully quiet in here, isn’t it?

Upcoming Events

Aw snap, no events are coming up.
