Virtual Machine - LF Geo & Edge
Are there any users out there set up on a virtual machine? I am looking to speed up estimations in Edge and max out the processing capabilities available in something like MS Azure or Amazon WS. Can anyone help me with the following: - Is 32 GB the max system memory Geo/Edge can use? - How much faster can Edge run by…
Python gdb.read_channel error
I updated some files to resolve some scipy.linalg issues and now my simple, old code that used to work no longer runs. The code creates a Geosoft context, prints out the geosoft userid, opens a Geosoft data base, and reads data from a channel. It now fails at this line: X_data, fid = gdb.read_channel(line,…
Why geosoft.gxpy not working?
Posted this question this morning, but not seeing it listed. Trying it again. New to geosoft. Got a Developer ID, download python module and installed (pip install geosoft-9.3.1-cp36-none-win_amd64.whl), open a command line and run some code, but get an error. See attached. Should I get some kind of Developer ID related…
Calling Python script from within GX
Hello, Does anyone know how I can calls a Python script to from within a Geosoft GX? Or if it is possible? I have specific tools and functions I want to use from Python. There is not much information in the documentation regarding development using Python. Thanks