Balanced Shapes using the Intrusion Tool
What methods do folks find best to generate "balanced shapes" when using the Intrusion tool. An example being a narrow Intrusion shape (with an 65deg inclined structural trend applied) that has a limiting exterior point on one side from an adjacent drillhole, but unconstrained on the other side. Left to run freely the…
Why isn't the Intrusion tool creating a point though a single drill hole lithology contact?
I created an intrusion that should pass through the Light Green/Dark Green contact. It has succeeded with every hole except one. I can see the negative (blue) points are pushing the intrusion upwards. I'm thinking this may be a user error; how can I go about figuring out the problem? The Deposit tool did not have the same…
Intrusion with structural trend processing time
Is it usual for the processing time to increase dramatically when applying a structural trend to an intrusion model? About 6 minutes processing with a global trend versus <8 hours with a structural trend. In fact even leaving the process running overnight the structural trend model still hadn't finished. Maybe there is…
Intrusion Variogram - Derive Variance
When modeling intrusions and employing the variography, there is a "variance" reported at the top - how is this variance calculated? The data to model my intrusion is categorical so where numbers are coming is a mystery. My only guess it is something to do with the interval lengths?
Background litho poking through
20m intrusion (red) logged down hole crosscutting bigger intrusion (pink). For some reason, the green background unit is poking through - can't figure this one out. Resolution on the red unit is 2m, 3m on the pink unit. Snapping is set to Drilling Only and Snap distance set to 100%. No other holes influencing the green and…